Note: Just a nice FYI for those who don't already know (feel free to skip to below the italicized text if you already know about the rav):
In his sincere humility, Rav Schwartz does not view himself as great, but if you read or hear his words and note how he's able to spontaneously access any Torah text purely from memory — including a variety of Chassidish texts, despite being firmly Litvish — combined with his depth and understanding of all these texts, he is obviously a real talmid chacham (and Ponevezh talmid) and should be taken seriously, even if you follow another equally qualified rav.
Furthermore, he has never read any secular writings — not psychology nor anything else, so he is in a unique position to guide us purely via Torah influence.
Finally, Rav Schwartz refuses all access to Internet of any kind. Yet one of his talmidim took the initiative to transcribe Rav Schwartz's words and translate a chunk of the material, then make it available on a kosher website and via email.
This is all in addition to his tremendous ahavas Yisrael.
So we're going to cover the heavy-duty part first, then address how to respond.
Note: The following English translations are my own — as are any errors — and my clarifications are inserted in [square brackets].
The End of the World as We Know It
Rav Schwartz starts off by quoting Chazal:
אמרו חז“ל, שית אלפי שנין הוה עלמא, וחד חרוב. וכבר נתבאר, שבסוף שית אלפי שנין כבר מתחיל בגילוי תהליך של חד חרוב, בשלבים. אופן ההחרבה, אחד מן האופנים הוא, פירור, לפורר את הדברים, בבחינת מפורר וזורה לרוח
וכבר נתבאר שמשנת תש“ס, נשאר ר“מ שנה לעולם, עד סוף שית אלפי שנין, והוא כמספר עמלק, שעולה בגימט‘ ר“מ, ועולה בגימט‘ ספק. מהות עמלק, היינו שמספק ”כל דבר“ דייקא. והיינו שעל ידי שכל דבר יש בו ספק, הוא מתפורר לחלקים, והבן מאוד מאוד מאוד! וזהו עומק כח החורבן, שכל דבר נגלה בו כח הספק, ועל ידי זה כל דבר ודבר מתפורר
Chazal said [Sanhedrin 97a]: "6000 years is the duration of the world and it is in ruins [chad charuv] for 1000 years."
[Technically, we are 5784 years into that 6000-year era. So the era of "ruins"/chad charuv was supposed to begin after that, in another 216 years from now. – MR]
And it has already been clarified that at the end of the 6000 years, the revelation of the process of chad charuv begins — in phases.
The manner of the ruin, one of the ways, is pirur — crumbling, fragmentation — to crumble the things, from the aspect of "crumble and scatter to the wind."
And it has already been explained that from the year 5760 [1999-2000], 240 years remained to the world [as we know it] until the conclusion of 6000 years. And that is like the number of "Amalek," whose gematrical equivalent comes out to 240 [עמלק 70+40+30+100], which also shares a gematrical equivalent to the word "doubt" [ספק 60+80+100].
The essence of Amalek is that it doubts "everything." This means that because there is doubt in every single thing, it crumbles into pieces.
And understand this very, very, very well!
And this is Amalek's power of destruction:
It reveals the power of doubt in everything.
And in this way, every single thing crumbles.
In a nutshell:
- Amalek inserts into and casts doubt on every single thing.
- Emunah & bitachon sees God's Mastery in every single thing.
So according to the above:
Since the end of 1999 (Rosh Hashanah 5760), we find ourselves in an Amalekite Era of overwhelmingly destructive doubt. Therefore, our pushback (and salvation) must derive from absolute confidence in the Creator of the World.
To me, this also explains why so many of us feel fragmented within ourselves and why we struggle so much to imbue ourselves with emunah and bitachon.
This is a massive force in the world.
So if we ever discover cracks in our emunah or we even suffer a total loss of emunah in a situation, then we needn't feel bad at all. (Nourishing regret that propels us forward is GOOD. Feeling BAD, like a bad or failed person, is NOT correct and will NOT accomplish anything — except more failure.)
After all, we are up against a massive force.
We just need to recognize the following:
"Regular little ol' me was just hit with a 1-billion megaton nuclear blast of Amalekism. No surprise I got fried to smithereens in the process. Well, I guess I'll just pick myself up, put myself back together, and keep on going. After all, Hashem is not a video or baseball game. Rather, He gives me UNLIMITED chances to try again!"
Examples of the Pirur – Crumbling & Fragmentation
Many people, including non-Jews, keep discussing the crumbling of decent values in society.
The derives from fragmentation on the most basic level in all areas.
For example, many people can no longer differentiate between morality and immorality, calling morality immoral and immorality moral.
Their value system has completely crumbled.
Even on the most basic physical level, people can no longer acknowledge that a fully-fledged male with complete XY chromosomes (i.e., he lacks any kind of chromosomal, biological, or physical defect that might confuse things) is undoubtedly male.
Even the most right-wing conservative pundits use terms like "biological male" to describe men and cater to the demand to use female pronouns for men who are bonafide men.
These men who insist on being seen as women clearly either suffer from a mental illness or psychopathic manipulativeness (i.e., they either suffer from Amalekite-infused doubt regarding their gender or they represent Amalekite souls that thrive on sowing doubt in even the most obvious and fundamental areas — or maybe both).
Another example of the bizarre extent to which Amalek sows doubt were the declarations that no missiles entered Israel during the Iranian attack.
I SAW, heard, and felt them myself.
Photos and video footage of the event exist.
Yet they're trying to sow doubt about such a basic and obvious attack.
As Rav Schwartz has continuously pointed out for years, anyone with any kind of sensitivity can see what's happening.
Physically, we saw:
- the crumbling of the Twin Towers on 9/11
- many edifices crumbled by lightning strikes or earthquakes since Rosh Hashanah 1999
- all sorts of fires (including terrorist bombings), which also reduced so much to ashes
During the Great Horror from Gaza, one of the more horrific details revealed in eyewitness accounts was the dismemberment of Jews by the Gazan monsters.
Repeatedly, I heard Jewish survivors recall in shock and horror, "The terrorists made a 'puzzle' out of people" — meaning, they saw their fellow Jews lying dead in pieces.
Primarily, the terrorist instinctively executed these barbarities against the people who supported the Muslim-Arab Gazans the most.
And most of the world sees this massacre and dismemberment of Jews — including the many secular Leftist devotees to Gazan Arabs — as a perfectly understandable and justifiable expression of the Gazan resentments toward Medinat Yisrael. May all the terrorists and their clapping seals rot in Hell. Yemach shemam.
Again, that exemplifies the crumbling of morality, with the obviously and shockingly immoral being seen and defended as moral.
In the Year 5780 (2019-2020), Hashem Took What was Originally Meant to be a 6000-Year Process through a Sharp Shortcut
We no longer have until the Hebrew year 6000 (Julian year 2240).
Here are Rav Schwartz's words on the topic:
תהליך זה נתחזק ביותר משנת תש“פ, שכבר לא נותר לעולם רכ“א שנה, כמנין ”ארך“ אפים. ואז התחיל הקורונה, שהפרידה ופוררה את העולם. ומאז חלק מן הדברים לא חזרו לקדמותם
מאז ואילך ישנו תהליך פירור
This [pirur] process became strongest in the year 5780 [2019-2020], as there no longer remained 221 years for the world to exist, as in the gematrical equivalent of "delaying anger" — "erech" apayim [ארך 1+200+20].
And that's when Corona began, which separated and fragmented the world. And since then, a portion of things never returned to their original state.
Ever since then and going forward, there is now a process of crumbling.
We're hurtling toward the Geula, but experiencing it as a chaotic ride.
What Intensified the Process of Pirur?
Rav Schwartz states that "in approximately the last year and a half, people rose up in Eretz Yisrael and decided to destroy and fragment the entire country.
Initially, they did so surreptitiously.
(Although it was still pretty obvious to any caring frum people.)
But with all the pushback of the real Jews (my phrasing), these destructive government authorities despaired of administrating affairs in the usual way and "decided to destroy and fragment the country by force, and via a civil war. And they will not rest nor leave things in peace until their schemes will come to fruition" (the rav's phrasing).
The rav proceeds to explain that all this scheming managed to weaken and fragment the country from within and individually, leading to our enemies exploiting this weakness.
He also notes how it was no coincidence that the Iranian attack occurred after Purim, which also shares a linguistic root with pirurim (crumbs, fragments).
As the Rav emphasizes:
And now the process of hitporerut [crumbling, fragmentation] has been activated in a revealed manner.
The Physical Manifestation of the Beginning of WWIII
(You Guessed It, Didn't You? 'Cause I Didn't.)
יש להבין שתהליך פירור זה מתגלה בכל דבר ודבר. והוא נגלה במלחמה בין רוסיה לאוקרינה למעלה משנתיים, שבו התחיל מלחמת עולם שלישית בגילוי. ועתה זהו המשך התהליך של מלחמת העולם השלישית
One must understand this pirur reveals itself in every single thing.
It is revealed in the war between Russia and Ukraine that has been going on for over 2 years, in which World War III began in a revealed manner.
And now this is the continuation of the process of the Third World War.
A lot of people around the world, including (mostly right-wing) non-Jews, have been saying the Russian-Ukrainian war was the beginning of WWIII.
But people have said this kind of thing a lot over the years, so I didn't really give it much weight.
(Also partly because I tend to go a bit numb when facing things over which I have little to no control — like a Third World War. You'll also see that same sort of numbness in my post on the Iranian attack: the-multi-pronged-attack-on-eretz-yisrael-after-shabbat-what-we-experienced-what-its-showing-us.html I'm not saying this is the correct or best response, but just my personal tendency, whether for better or for worse.)
But when Rav Schwartz says it, then we know it's true.
After all, he's daas Torah and doesn't say things for clickbait or drama.
Frankly (and perhaps ironically), I feel a kind of relief.
After years of pontifications with books and articles on WWIII, it finally started and we can just finally get it over with.
No need to wonder or dread it any's here.
B'ezrat Hashem, we will experience tremendous revealed rachamim in the process.
The War of Gog & Magog and the Pirur Process
Whoever looks closely sees how everything in the country is now found in a state of pirur.
This falls in line with Rav Schwartz's understanding that the War of Gog and Magog started a while ago, but it has been mostly spiritual, with spiritual causalities, and any wars in the world are a physical manifestation of what has been a primarily spiritual war.
From October 2021:
We are already found within the war of Gog and Magog! This is the war with the Erev Rav.
Originally, had the generation been “entirely deserving of Redemption” (see Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 98), the Redemption would have come swiftly and suddenly, before its preordained time, and the war of Gog and Magog would have taken place in the blink of an eye – it would have all taken place in the inner dimension, within Torah learning.
But now that we were not zoche to that, we are already found in a drawn out process of the final war, and we are all going through it.
This is the third world war which the Chofetz Chaim spoke about – and we are currently found in the intense part of it, and there have already been many casualties, mainly in the spiritual sense, Rachmana Litzlan.
It mainly affects people on a soul level, and very little on a physical level.
[Again, that was true at that time and is still true, though it's affecting people more on the physical level since then – MR]
The Rav had said on the onset of the coronavirus outbreak that we are in the intensity of the war of Gog and Magog. Is there a connection between “Google” and “Gog”, since the word “Google” has the word “Gog” in its name (גוגל, גוג-ל)?
Google started as a search engine for the Internet, and today it controls all of the searches on the Internet, every page, and it is the engine that runs all smartphones…
Increased Instability Means We Need to Hold on CHAZAK to the Rope of Emunah
(If you'd like to know why that's such a problem, then please read this: the-2-most-common-arguments-used-against-charedim-regarding-army-service-and-why-theyre-wrong.html)
Yes, the merry-go-around is going to spin even faster and more crazily.
And what is the rav's advice?
The work of every single individual is to hold on with all one's strength — CHAZAK! CHAZAK! CHAZAK!
To hold on tight to HaKadosh Baruch Hu and His Torah because that is the only stability that exists — and nothing else!
The Holy One Blessed be He exists forever and His Torah will never be exchanged.
Please wake up and be awaken set yourselves within Eternity, in a world that's only good, and contains nothing but Hashem and His Torah.
Final Points (Quite a Few of Them, Actually)
~The War of Gog & Magog is well under way and has been for a while. It's mostly in a spiritual sense at this point, but not completely.
So no need to wonder when it will happen. It's here.
~World War III has also started, both physically and spiritually.
No need to wonder about or dread it any longer. It's here.
~Anything that opposes halachah and Torah hashkafah is simply a result of the Amalekite Era of doubt and pirur in which we now find ourselves.
No need to get overly involved in it or overwrought about it.
Knowing it is a result of being bombarded by "Amalekite matter" (as opposed to dark matter — or maybe we can see it as being bombarded by Amalekite neutrinos? Amalekite radiation?) offers a lot of chizuk. It's much easier to center and ground yourself when you know there is no legitimacy to it, but it's something in the air.
A lot of people feel fragmented or confused, assuming there's something wrong with them.
There's nothing wrong with you.
These feelings result from the Amalekite force of pirur and doubt in the world.
This force exists, it's palpable, so it's normal to feel it.
After all, we wouldn't find fault with ourselves for feeling hot, dizzy, or dehydrated while standing for hours in blinding sunlight in the middle of Death Valley in the summer.
So please don't fault yourself for feeling the effects of the Amalekite force in the world.
And just as in Death Valley, you'd need to remove yourself from the direct sun and into a shady area with ice water, cool watermelon, and air-conditioning, you need to do the spiritual equivalent of that in the Amalekite Era via emunah and bitachon. (Simchah is a huge part of this.)
So that's all those negative feelings mean: You just need to nurture your neshama WITHOUT feeling bad about yourself.
~Learn to reject much of the world and the media.
You can do it nicely. You can do it quietly. But at least in your head, it's really important to do this.
(Rav Avigdor Miller used to speak about this a lot.)
As much as you can, find like-minded people who also realize the lack of legitimacy of much of what's going on.
Remember also what the Zohar says, as Rav Schwartz described, that the 3 Ancient Generations have been reincarnated into our times and they have NO future in the World to Come (july-07th-2020.html). So all these people who confuse and offend and try to destroy us are at the end of their lives. They have no future and we don't need to take their ideas seriously.
~Also, if you're not Jewish and you're reading this, please know that there will be non-Jews in the time of Mashiach. The Prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) speaks of this frequently, as do others.
The difference between the non-Jewish nations now and then will be the non-Jews will whole-heartedly believe in the validity of the God of Israel and wholeheartedly wish to do everything they can to assist Jews in their service of God.
There will be no other religions.
Every person in the world will live in peace and feel happy and fulfilled all the time.
Yes, a lot of people (both Jewish and not) will die in this current pre-Mashiach era. But not everyone.
As the Malbim wrote in the Book of Amos, Chapter 9, Verse 12:
"In order that they will inherit the remnant of Edom" because the majority of the children of Edom will fall then in the War of Gog and Magog, and the remnant will remain from them and thus it will be for all the gentiles that will remain at that time, "that I will call My Name upon them," that they will recognize the Name of Hashem and accept the beliefs of Truth to the point that the Name of Hashem will be called upon them — all these will be the inheritance of Mashiach.
As a non-Jew, you can remain moral yourself and encourage morality in your family and community. You can also encourage Jews to be more "Jewish" according to what's known as strictly Orthodox standards. Jews should learn Torah, keep Shabbat, dress modestly, keep kosher, and much more.
You should never criticize a Jew for upholding Torah values, regardless of how it makes you feel personally (like if a Jew won't go drinking with you or shake your hand/refuse to look at you much/speak with you beyond basic courtesy if you're the opposite gender, etc.). Just respond respectfully and cheerfully because they're doing the right thing, even if it doesn't feel right to you personally due to your culture.
Certainly, you shouldn't marry or even date a Jew.
Whatever you as a non-Jew can do to facilitate Torah observance for Jews is very good and beneficial, both to you personally and for the entire world.
The tikkun (rectification, repair) of the entire world only comes about via Jews; only Jews can bring the Mashiach speedily and in a merciful way.
So that needs to be the emphasis: We Jews need to be the best Jews we can be.
And non-Jews can facilitate and encourage that as much as they can.
If you're Jewish and reading this, this is how you should answer non-Jews who approach you, asking about this topic.
And everyone must realize the tikkun comes about via Am Yisrael. So that must be the focus: Am Yisrael and Torah.
~Going back to Jews and emunah:
We saw open miracles even with otherwise secular Jews who, during the Horrific Slaughter from Gaza, suddenly turned to Hashem in whatever way they knew how.
We also know of many kinds of Jews (both wayward and solid) saved only by their commitment to Shabbat.
So we know emunah remains our most powerful tool.
~Additionally, we need to keep going with what we've heard for years regarding being saved from chevlai Mashiach:
- Tzedakah
- Chessed
- Torah Learning
~Loving each other and unifying with each other also remains vitally important — but that means with REAL Jews, not Erev Rav imposters or gentiles posing as Jews, who seek to annihilate everything Torah Judaism from within. (And they can be very smiley and sneaky about this, even portraying themselves as being pro-Judaism. Don't be fooled.)
And I guess that's it for now.
Moving to Eretz Yisrael:
Gog and Magog:
Reading Rav Avigdor Miller's words about seeing Hashem's Goodness in the world also helps reinvigorate our emunah:
You can also click here for more posts on this blog specifically relating to emunah: